Thursday, March 1, 2012

2012 Update

Photo By Steve Mitchell

What a winter it has been. I have been busy making tumblers, lots and lots of tumblers. I have been trying to keep a certain number of tumblers in stock and naturally the more I make the more I sell. Makes it difficult to make anything else besides tumblers. If that is all I have to complain about I consider myself the luckiest person on Earth!
Photo by Steve Mitchell

  I have also been busy planning my Summer. Thanks to the folks at Northwest Festival Guide I have had an easy job. the hardest part has been remembering that I am simply one person and can only produce so much. Never the less I have secured a booth at Seattle Pride 2012 the weekend of June 23rd (Hooray!) and have my eye on a few more festivals in the fall. I will also be participating in local farmers markets and looking in to attending some in Western Washington.

 Most recently I had the privilege to meet Missy LeDuc at the Mazama Store. She agreed to give my tumblers some space on the shelves. I think it will be a great outlet for my work and am grateful for the chance. Check out the Mazama store website at  The Mazama Store The baguettes are a favorite.

Enough blogging! I have to get back to work!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to have found your blog, Sam! Steve's photos are beautiful, as always!
