Saturday, October 22, 2011

You know what they say....

Business ventures take longer and cost more than budgeted.
So true. Patience has been my friend these days. Putzing around, waiting for everything to be ready. The propane was installed and naturally I had to order a special regulator. It should be here early this coming week.
I am still on course for my "end of October" completion date for my Studio.
I have had a hard time actually calling it a shed instead of a studio. I have decided on "shedio". It's catchy and I like it.
So I did not get the Shedio up and running this weekend. So what! Besides the ants in my pants, I've only had to suffer my anticipation.
I will be up soon and producing like mad!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The easy part is over....

All of the equipment is here!
The easy parts: converting the shed into a studio, insulating, ordering equipment, buying tools and color, are over...for the most part. I spent yesterday "fine tuning" the placement of everything. Still wondering what to do with all of the crating wood that sits in my carport. If anyone wants it...let me know.
now I get to have fun programming the annealer and furnace. The propane gets installed on Thursday...with any luck i will be making my first pieces a week from today :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

So the time is here! Time to realize a dream and start my own Hot Shop.

The last year has been such an adventure for me. I have learned so much from starting this business. From insulating to re-branding to hoping the freight truck doesn't ruin the tree in the yard it has been , well....fantastic!

 I am so grateful and excited to be able to even have a chance to own and operate my own studio. This blog will give me a chance to diary my experience. many trials and tribulations to come.

Stay tuned!